Integrate data standards with True North

Reporting and feature rich functionality driven by digital data standards

Integrating with the True North data platform can add several complementary capabilities to your solution aligned to any structured data standard. The data-driven approach makes new data and new features easier to implement and maintain and opens up new markets for your solutions.

True North is built for integration and can enhance your solution by adding:

  • Digital reporting for regulators, registries and tax
  • Data dictionaries and metadata APIs
  • Data modelling and data framework management
  • Data collection from internal or third parties
  • Traceable mapping and data transformation
  • Data feeds from iXBRL, XBRL and XML datasets

The internal processing is built around the XBRL standard to ensure a high level of data integrity and to enable all features to work with any type of data.

External digital reporting

With True North you can quickly enable your platform to create external disclosures in XML, iXBRL, ESEF and XBRL format to meet a wide variety of digital corporate and regulatory disclosures.

For ESEF or iXBRL formats, True North provides automatic conversion from Word, Excel and InDesign formats and our user interface for tagging.

XML or XBRL reports are generated from simple CSV, web forms or Excel templates.

True North validates the reports according to the technical compliance and business filing rules for the report type and jurisdiction.

White labelled applications and APIs can be integrated to enable document review and sign-off tasks.

Data collection

To enhance your platform’s data collection capability, True North provides an integrated data collection portal. This is used to source high-quality, high integrity data from third parties or across an organisation.

The portal is configured manually or through the API to set up reporting obligations for individuals or other entities. Calendars, reminders, gateway validation and acceptance workflows ensure that data is on-time and correct.

Data accepted through the portal can be stored, staged on databases or mapped into data warehouses.


The metadata in the data model can be made available for consumption during design, maintenance and live operation of your platform.

Metadata in XBRL taxonomies includes data point definitions, labels, references to external literature, calculation relationships and validations. This is made available through offline exports in database, Excel or custom formats and online through APIs.

Advanced processing such as change reports and automatic configuration of data stores is also available.

Moving and mapping data

Access to taxonomy metadata and support for external reporting are brought together by data mapping capabilities. Model to model mapping allows you to move data efficiently and with full traceability from data stores into outgoing reports. It can also help you consume data from public data sets such as corporate registries, data access points and regulators.

Whether data is inbound, outbound or internal, once True North is configured with a structured data model the data it describes can be easily incorporated into your solution. We provide three different approaches to configuring the data model to make the features easily accessible to all types of data.

Imported models are already in the XBRL standard and are typically published by regulators and standard setters. For example, in the EU, all prudential, statistical, securities and corporate regulation, including ESG reporting is moving towards XBRL-based data standards which can be used to directly configure the platform.

Bound models are based on the databases, XML, JSON and spreadsheets found in all companies. During configuration, the XBRL definition of these models is automatically generated from the source. This creates a formalised definition of the data, along with an interface directly between the source and the platform.

Curated models are those which are built by the customer or through services to reflect their own view of the data within the business. True North supports creation of data models using either XBRL-based taxonomy editing or ISO 5661-based model definitions.

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